Collapse the blocks to rescue your Baby Animal friends and crush the poacher!
The Baby Animals need you! The once tranquil reserve that is their home is now under siege by a ruthless poacher and his traps. Save the Baby Animals and crush the poacher using your collapse skills. Enjoy fast and fun gameplay while on Safari and take the role of Park Ranger, keeping poachers at bay!
Perkecil blok untuk menyelamatkan teman-Bayi Hewan dan menghancurkan pemburu itu!
The Baby Animals membutuhkan Anda! Cadangan sekali tenang yang adalah rumah mereka kini dikepung oleh pemburu kejam dan perangkap nya. Simpan Animals Bayi dan menghancurkan pemburu menggunakan keterampilan runtuhnya Anda. Nikmati cepat dan menyenangkan gameplay sementara di Safari dan mengambil peran Park Ranger, menjaga pemburu di teluk!
Collapse the blocks to rescue your Baby Animal friends and crush the poacher!
The Baby Animals need you! The once tranquil reserve that is their home is now under siege by a ruthless poacher and his traps. Save the Baby Animals and crush the poacher using your collapse skills. Enjoy fast and fun gameplay while on Safari and take the role of Park Ranger, keeping poachers at bay!